Not sure which category this site fits into, but it is a good site to have in your list of favourites.  CamNotifier is a place where you can add your favourite performers that you want to receive an email notification when they are online.  Most probably nobody has the notifications from the actual sites turned on, otherwise we would be bombarded with thousands of emails every day.  This site lets you pick and choose which performer you receive a notification about when they are online.  As it is community based, you can also see which favourites other members have, and leave comments about the performers.  It also has a forum where you can “talk” with like minded people about any topic you like.  I like it because I can see which of “my girls” are online at a glance.  Alternatively I can see which of the performers from the rest of the community are online and choose my own filter to only select my preferences.  For basic users there is a limitation of 10 notifications (though you can add as many performers as you like) but it’s so cheap, just buy a year’s license.. you won’t regret it.


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