Not sure which category this site fits into, but it is a good site to have in your list of favourites. CamNotifier is a place where you can add your favourite performers that you want to receive an email notification…

Camgirls and other Porn related stuff
Stuff I discovered on the Net that I decided to share
Not sure which category this site fits into, but it is a good site to have in your list of favourites. CamNotifier is a place where you can add your favourite performers that you want to receive an email notification…
When I read other people’s stories I realise firstly that I am not alone and secondly that I am only a small fish compared to them. Data Hoarders even has its own section in Reddit, and people happily talk about…
A program which integrates into the browser or standalone icon is Video Downloader Ultimate. Download zip file here. It also offers to convert the downloaded videos into MP4 and apparently supports up to 4K (Ultra HD). Windows only (not Mac).…